How Can I Market The Benefits Of Organ Donation?

There is a severe shortage of organ donations in America; approximately 98,000 individuals are on a wait list hoping for a solution which oftentimes seems hopeless. 71,000 need a kidney to end the three-day-a-week, three-hour-a-day dialysis regime. Many men, women and children languish on this list for ten years or longer — nineteen succumb every day prior to receiving a desperately-needed organ transplant. The problem is getting worse.

According to a Fortune 100 company actuarial analysis, our unique solution appears to be the answer for rapidly fulfilling this shortage. It is lawful and it does not take advantage of human beings in the third world. After initial start-up capitalization the program will be self-sustaining in perpetuity.

The problem is to create a strategy to turn what is currently a yucky or unmentionable topic into an unyucky topic which will become a household word and a point of public pride.


Jay’s Answer: This is similar problem to how to sell life insurance. The benefit of the service only occurs after you’re dead, so you need to convince people to think of others, leaving a legacy after you’re gone.

One idea is to focus on celebrity endorsements – everyone from sports stars, politicians, to actors. The message is simply, “I care about my fellow human beings enough to gift them something precious that I no longer have a use for”. Making the process of organ donation public will help.

The second part is to tell real stories about how the donor recipient and the donor’s family have met. In that way, the donor’s life actually continues on.

2 thoughts on “How Can I Market The Benefits Of Organ Donation?

  1. Another way to market the benefits of organ donation is to provide an additional benefit. That’s what LifeSharers does. If you donate your organs after you die, LifeSharers will increase your chances of getting a transplant should you ever need one to live. This benefit is significant, since more than half of the people who need transplants die before they get one.

    Check out LifeSharers at it’s free. It could save your life.

  2. I would encourage you to take a look at our efforts here in Illinois and see how we’ve effectively developed online communities of supporters to drastically increase the amount of registered donors in the state over the course of the past two years. I think you’ll find our videos pretty compelling as well.

    We’re over at

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