Selling Under Your Umbrella

Selling Under Your Umbrella
(Photo by Trey Ratcliff)

Over time, your company has likely introduced an ever-increasing variety of products or services. As you’ve expanded your offerings, you may have cluttered your message. Instead of selling something to a narrow group of people, you may now be trying to appeal to a wider audience. The end result is that your “umbrella of offerings” is now likely to be confusing.

When you started out marketing your brand, your goal was to clearly convey a message to a specific audience. You spoke their language. You understood the benefits to your offering, and could simply articulate it. But over time, if you weren’t careful, you’ve likely muddied your messaging.

Now, your core audience is likely not to be interested in everything you’re selling. So you’re now speaking more generically, trying to span different audiences with vaguer language to somehow make your eclectic collection seem more coherent. But since each audience likely has its own language, problems, and aspirations – trying to jam everything into one umbrella under your “quality moniker” is likely not to create sales.

So, what can you do? Go narrower to go bigger.

For example, your home page should be considered a “super landing page”. It shouldn’t try to tell your whole story & showcase everything. Instead, it should be a funnel to direct visitors to the part of the website that they would care about. Silo your visitors using different signups (and segment them in your customer database). Analyze your SEO (search engine optimization) to find out what your true organic traffic is looking for. Measure & repeat.

Turn your umbrella into a rainbow of opportunity for your business.

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