Name My Party Planning Business

Myself and two of my friends are starting a party planning business. We need a catchy name but since there is three of us we really cant use our names. So any ideas would be great.


Jay’s Answer: Congratulations on starting a new business! I’ve found over the years that the right way to choose a name isn’t to randomly pick something “catchy” that appeals to you. Instead, you need to pick a name that’s relevant to your future clients. So, you need to get very clear on such issues as: who specifically are your clients likely to be, where are they located, why they’d choose you (instead of doing it themselves and/or hiring someone else), and the types of parties you specialize in. This is the core of your marketing strategy. Without it, you can come up with hundreds of names and find that they’re clever/cute but totally off-base for your needs.

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