A Tagline for a Life Coach

I am starting my own life coach practice called The Joy Fairy. My target audience will be adult entertainment professionals … strippers, legal prostitutes, etc., as well as New Agers and Artists. I live in Las Vegas. The message I want to convey in my tagline is: An unconventional life coach for unconventional people, but I want it to be more pithy, have more attitude, and be more memorable. Cool, sexy, and funny. I have been brainstorming for a week or so, and here are a few I have come up with: Life Coaching for Unconventional Humans,  A Life Coach for Unconventional Humans,  Not Your Parents Life Coach,  Helping Humans Live in The Magic, Better Living Through Fairy Dust,  Creating Better Lives for Humans,  Illuminating New Path for Unconventional Humans,  Life is Hard. Vegas is Crazy. Call The Joy Fairy. , Life Coaching. One Human at a Time.


Jay’s Answer: Because your business is named something ambiguous, the tagline needs to be very clear. You’d identified who/where you’re targeting, which is great. But what’s missing is the other side – why do THEY want what you’re offering? Why you? What problems/concerns/needs do they have that they’re willing to trade time & money for you to solve?

The taglines you’ve created are all about “unconventional” and “magic” and “fairy”, but ultimately it’s not about the image you’re trying to create, but what tangible benefits you can offer.

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