Be Invaluable In Your Marketing Strategy

Be Invaluable In Marketing

(Photo by Theresa Thompson)

It’s not enough to have something that people like. It’s not enough to have something that people are lined up to buy. It’s not enough to be seen as the “better choice”. Since we can all be ultimately replaced, you need to provide a service or skill that’s clearly indispensable.

Initially you’ve been taught to identify a niche, clarify the niche’s major “pain points”, and solve them. That’s what everyone knows. And it’s good enough to get you started. But if you’ve seen success in the niche, odds are others have also. And they’ll be eagerly trying to leapfrog your offering.

Be invaluable. If you’re invaluable, you’re clearly the go-to person for solving the problem. If you’re an employee, being invaluable equates to job security (no one else could do the job as well as you). If you’re a business owner, it’s the opportunity to market yourself as the go-to person (especially, if others have failed trying to solve these problems). You’re the undisputed expert with a long list of testimonials of happy customers.

Be humble. It’s easy to think that being invaluable means you have permission to lord over your customers. Don’t forget that people aren’t truly interested in you. They’re interested in what you can do for them. Keep your focus on the benefit you keep providing (that no else does/can). Others may be able to replace you, but make it clear that that’s second-best. Focus your marketing message that your services (or products) are more efficient and more proven (and less risky).

Be flexible. As you work your way up the marketing “food chain”, don’t get lured into thinking that being invaluable is enough. Remember that others have come before you thinking similar thoughts, and it’s likely you don’t remember their names or products. Keep learning from your competition, your customers, and other markets. Be willing to be wrong. Be willing to go back to school to keep your learning fresh.

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