Tagline for a Coaching Business

I am starting a new Coaching Business named TOUCHSTAR Coaching and would really appreciate your expertise with a Tagline. As I am starting out, I would like to keep my client base open, and need a tagline which appeals to both the individual (personal/life coaching) and to the senior executive in a company (corporate/executive coaching). As most people do not actually know what coaching is, the tagline should somehow reflect that. Coaching is meant to allow a person to achieve what they could not on their own by identifying what they really want and asking powerful questions to empower the individual and unlock their potential. The company logo shows a person reaching out to touch a Star and I am trying to find a tagline that compliments the logo. I’m really struggling to come up with something that is creative and fits, please can you help….


Jay’s Answer: First, how you market coaching to individuals and executives is quite different. While what you do is similar, the language you use to define your benefits is unalike. Individuals want to improve their lives. Execs want to improve their professional performance. Similar, but measured differently. So, you’ll need to choose one one these niches. If you haven’t (yet) worked with execs, then start with individuals (execs will want to see your client list, while individuals will understand the “starting out” mode you’re in).

Next, since you’re likely to work face-to-face with people, consider mention your region in your tagline (“Improving Lives In Chicago”).

Lastly, you need to focus on what the benefit for your client is, not how you operate (“by asking powerful questions”).  Empowering/unlocking is okay, but doesn’t touch on a key emotional benefit (for a list of the various emotional motivators, see: http://www.manygoodideas.com/2009/06/01/marketing-with-adrenalin/)

Some off-the-top suggestions:

  • Feel More Alive.
  • Live Confidently. The Sky’s The Limit.
  • Free Your Spirit. Feel Life A Superstar.


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