In her latest book, Sam Horn’s describes some great creative business marketing wordplay techniques for getting your product or service to be noticed and stand out from the crowd. Her book is focused on creating a less than 60 second “opening” that will start a dialogue with prospective customers.
“Pop” stands for purposeful, original, and pithy. The wordplay is based around filling out the following “W9 questionnaire”:
W1. What am I offering?
W2. What problem does my idea or offering solve?
W3. Why is it worth trying and buying?
W4. Who is my target audience?
W5. Who am I and what are my credentials?
W6. Who are my competitors and how am I different from them?
W7. What resistance or objections will people have to this?
W8. What is the purpose of my pitch?
W9. When, where, and how do I want people to take action?
The (core) words that you choose to answer these questions are used to help you create a message that is uniquely yours. She gives over twenty different techniques (including rearranging cliches, inventing new words, rhyming, etc.).