What’s a Good Tagline For An Online Marketing Company?

I run an online marketing and web solutions company called “Whirlwind”. We are into web strategy, online campaign management, SEO/SEM, etc. and also offer customized web solutions including site/blog development. As of now, we do not have any tagline for the company, and I would like to ask the members here is they can help us come up with something good.

I am ideally looking at a three-beat advertising slogan, which can add a lot of punch. We figured that this would be needed because the name of our firm doesn’t directly imply what kind of services we offer. So a persuasive/intelligent tagline or slogan would help.

A coupla examples of a three-beat advertising slogan:
1.The few, the proud, the Marines
2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


Jay’s Answer:

  • Business Problems? We Strategize. Web Results.
  • Your Business, Online, Everywhere.

The tagline should mention a key benefit of working with you. Web strategy (etc.) are services, not benefits. Here’s my tagline thinking:

Your Business, Online, Everywhere =
your business – makes the tagline personal to the reader. Removing “your” may work, but it strips the tagline of a “voice”
online – your specialty
everywhere – where the client’s company will be seen.

Note: online/everywhere may appear to be redundant, however many businesses are online, but aren’t visible. What Whirlwind focuses on is the online marketing.

Along the same lines:

  • Be Online. Be Seen. Be Successful.

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