How Can I Market My Portraits To Doctors’ Offices?

I am marketing portrait photography services in my community and one of our strategies is to set up community displays in local pediatrician, OBGYN and family practice physician offices. Basically I am looking to set up a small table in their waiting room with some marketing material, portfolio books and a contest for a free portrait session to collect names. Another option is to provide portraits for the walls of their waiting room and patient rooms with the studio logo in the corner.

So far I have just been cold calling the offices in person and asking if they would be interested. I’ve only tried about 10 and haven’t had luck so far. Are there any other methods you would suggest to make it more beneficial to them to agree?


Jay’s Answer: Your question is basically – how can I get a doctor to provide me with prime advertising space? Why should the doctor’s office be willing to give up patient waiting area to you? What about liability – kids & glass don’t mix well. What about aesthetics – it’s your display in their space.

Start with asking doctors you (or your friends’) know. What are their concerns? Under what conditions would they be willing to do this (and for how long)? Once you understand their needs, then you can being to cold call (ideally, warm referrals are better) with the knowledge of what the key objections are, and how to appeal to the office need in general. For example, ask about the art work in their office – when was the last time it was updated? Offer to visit their office monthly to rotate portraits among the offices – change is always nice. Perhaps have themed pictures (holidays, etc.) that go with their decor, etc.

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