The company is into telcommunications & Broaband, Internet, IPLC, WLL, NPLC, MPLS, Wi-max for Corporate customers, about 30 locations through emailers in PDF format -target audience is 1500 internal employees India & International. Newsletter is finalised with above mentioned Subtitles & articles , just wanted to check if we could do some brainstorming to come with unconventional names than the usual names.
Want creative unconventional headers, Alternative to the ones or the following mentioned below:-
- From the President’s Desk:
- CEO Speaks:
- Chief Operating officers Message:
- Updates:
- Accolades:
- Customer appreciations:
- From the horses mouth:
Jay’s Answer:
- Broadcast from the President
- Broadcast from the CEO
- Chief Operating officers speaks
- Downloads
- Great Connections
- Our Network Speaks
- Random Packets