How Can I Find Prospective Real Estate Clients?

I have just started my career in real estate in Ontario, CA. Please give me some Ideas that how can I find my prospect clients? Some tips of marketing to promote myself in the public different from others. What should be the way of talking (I mean the scripts)? Please help me.


Jay’s Answer: You need a marketing strategy (here’s an article on how to create marketing strategy).

Let’s say you’re in a room full of others selling real estate. Someone who wants to buy (or sell) real estate walks into the room. Who will they talk to? The person standing closest to the door? The person dressed nicest? The person who has the most people standing around them? The one smiling?

You need to think from the perspective of a potential client. What can you offer them that they can’t anywhere else? Everyone says they have great service and will go the extra mile, etc.

What a client is looking for is a real estate specialist: Someone who knows exactly their needs, is a strong negotiator, has a large pool of people/properties, and a long list of people who can vouch for them.

Start out by focusing narrowly on a specialty. That may be a specific zip code, price point, demographic, home size, home type (multi-unit, single detached, condo), or even amenities (tennis courts, recording studios, etc.). If someone is interested in something outside your specialty, refer them to another real estate agent, who can help them (perhaps earning a referral bonus). Get known for being “the one” who knows your specialty. Then, focus on marketing yourself to the group who want “the one”.

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