What Do People See In Your Marketing?

Ink Blot Test

The great unspoken truth about Marketing is that while marketers create names, taglines, websites, social media campaigns, etc. – they are unlikely to know WHY people reacted positively to their work. They may think they understand, but odds are they’ve simply been lucky.

When we talk with someone else one-to-one, we think we’re having a heart-to-heart connection. We’re listening, thinking, and reacting. But the reality is, the other person has an entirely different world experience than we do. The better you know the person, the more you’ve heard their “stories”, struggles, and motivations. That gives you a glimmer of their true self. But you don’t truly know how they think, since you’re not them.

So imagine the difficulty trying to create a marketing strategy that will produce a desired outcome to a large number of people. If you’re starting afresh with a campaign – you start by understanding the logical/common/emotional motivations for your target audience. You spend a lot of time crafting the offer, the headline, and timing of your message.

Is that enough to cause people to understand and react to your marketing? Probably not. So, to be safe you add visuals (colors, pictures, typefaces, layout) and perhaps audio (background music). Can you confidently predict what % of the people seeing the campaign will act on your offer?

Let’s say that your marketing was a success. What was the magic that unlocked your prospects into action (copy, visuals, audio)? If you don’t know, then the next message that you send may or may not work.

That’s why smart marketing people are continually testing their marketing cause-and-effect using A/B split testing and/or multivariate testing. They know that they don’t know WHY until they understand WHAT. Our ability to rapidly draw conclusions (read: Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink for discussions on intuition) is a double-edge sword. The smart money’s in not assuming – but uncovering – motivation.

One thought on “What Do People See In Your Marketing?

  1. Jay,
    Many times people overlook Karma( or action).In reality,Karma is actually Newton’s Third Law -“for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
    I guess this is more easily understood when you acquire a knowledge of Eastern Cultures.

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