Name My Dental Lab

I am opening a brand new dental lab.  I just can’t think of the name that can well brand our business.  Since we will work with lots of sophisticated dentistry offices, I would want some thing that can say by our name.  Any ideas?


Jay’s Answer: A name won’t brand your business. It’s just a name that hopefully people will remember if they’re looking for your services. You have 2 basic choices: an abstract name (“The 32 Lab”) or a concrete name (that describes what you do, for example “Peoria Dental Lab”). Abstract names are fun, but since they don’t describe what you do, you’ll need a bigger marketing budget to explain who you are, etc. Concrete names tend to be not as sexy, but you need to balance that with who you’re marketing to.

Since your services will be in a specific region and will be targeting dentists (not the general public), consider names that leverage either: your location, your specialty, and/or your unique benefit (what you do that no other lab can do).

One thought on “Name My Dental Lab

  1. When it comes to naming your lab it sometimes takes a few tries. I agree you should really look to placing the word Lab, Laboratory, Laboratories in there somewhere as it states what you do (also the word ‘dental’ helps as well). The other thing I learned along the way was not to make a name that is hard to understand. Abbreviations are good but when the letters are close in sound people will often get it wrong when the say it back to you on the phone, billing, etc. But most of all have fun with it!

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