New Retail Store Headline?

I am one of the graphic designers for a retail woman’s clothing chain. We have 200 stores nationwide and are opening another in a few months! This new store will be in Tennessee and we really want to kick it off in a BIG WAY. I am talking billboards, direct mailers, live remotes, web pages, etc. TONS AND TONS MORE! We are working on quirky, catchy, tongue in cheek type marketing message to use throughout all our marketing pieces. The kickoff for these marketing pieces will be the billboards throughout the Tri-City area in Tennessee. For the billboard we are thinking of a simple photo, quick/clever tagline and logo. Any help or ideas on what direction to take for the verbiage?


Jay’s Answer:

  • If The Denim Fits…
  • Denim That Flatters…
  • We’re Tops In Denim-ing Bottoms