A Tagline For Our University Bookstore?

We sell university books, school books and stationery and a lot more. Can you tell us a tagline that will attract more customers?


Jay’s Answer: A tagline alone won’t suddenly attract customers. A tagline may help people quickly see what makes you different and/or clearly identify what you sell.

Your website doesn’t describe what products/services you offer, nor give people a reason to purchase from you. So, my first suggestion is to clearly identify what you sell and to who. Where are they located? What makes you better/different from your competition? If you are selling the same things as others, then figure out ways to differentiate your services (don’t simply try to have the lowest cost products – as a small business, it’s almost always a losing proposition).

Also, if everyone is selling the same things, you need to compete on services. What can you do for people that they can’t easily do themselves? Can you deliver books in the middle of the night? Will you trade older editions for newer books? Will you offer a digital copy of the book for a minimal extra cost? Can you team up with a local tutoring service?

My suggestion is to focus on your marketing strategy first. Then, integrate your unique benefit into your tagline, making sure that it fits with your company’s name.

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