Help Naming Our Flooring Company

My husband and I are starting a flooring company. We’re starting out staining concrete but we want to be able to expand later on. He doesn’t want to use our last name in it. We are from Arkansas. We are targeting both home owners & contractors. My husbands works currently for his father doing audio care such as security alarms, home installments, direct tv, surround sound, just about anything. They have a good group of clients & know them all personally so he has a head start on clients. Plus there are not many flooring companies around us. At the moment he wants to start off just staining concrete. But after awhile he wants to hire some more people to help to do wood flooring, carpet and everything in between. We’re having a mental block trying to figure this out so we could really use some outside advice!


Jay’s Answer: If there’s not many flooring companies around, then pick a name that makes it clear who you serve: Ashley County Flooring (for example). Your tagline would then explain your specialty (for now): Specializing in Concrete Staining.