Community Hub And Safe Home For Young Mothers

Hello! I am looking to create a strong tag line for a non profit endeavour that I am currently spearheading The Sparrow’s Nest Calgary (or The Nest YYC – still undecided). Mission: Through shelter, community and compassion, we elevate young female led households towards their full potential. Vision: Every child (family?? mother??) thriving in a safe and productive home. Goal: To create a robust community of support and a safe communal home that contributes to successful life outcomes for pregnant and parenting women aged 16-26 years who are overcoming adversity and without support systems. Giving young single mothers the assistance needed to get ahead. A hand up, not a hand out. Home (The Nest) will serve 6-8 women (plus their children 0-3yrs) at a time for a period of up to 2 years. Shared accommodation opportunity in a safe and family-centered environment that provides continuous support and mentorship in parenting and other life skills. Objectives: To provide shared housing and other necessities of life to single mothers and their children who are without external supports, are of low income and/or in need. To strengthen the mother-child relationship and promote the healthy development of each child within our care. To break the cycle of inter generational poverty amongst single mothers (aged 16 thru 26 years) by empowering them to pursue further education and job-readiness/skills training. To increase awareness of the unique challenges and stigmas that young single mothers face and the impact that these have on society at large. This organization will serve young mothers who show ambition and drive to work towards a brighter future for themselves and children through community connections, education and/or employment skills training. Residency is based on an application process with the anticipation that most clients will be referred via social partners (schools, youth serving agencies, etc.). We are looking to create both a fun and outgoing – plus empowering and resilient – brand. A never give up and always work hard type of mentality.


Jay’s Answer: Do you have a marketing/business plan yet for your business? If so, the research you did to create that document likely has the seeds of a great name in it based on interviews you’ve done with likely sponsors/donors. If not, then you’re likely guessing based on your own feeling, rather than your target audience. The name/tagline you choose/create needs to resonate with THEM.

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