Since I recently changed my business logo, I wanted to explain my process so you can likewise better develop your own logo. While your logo isn’t the soul of your business, it does give a quick impression about it.
When I first started my business, I created it myself. My thinking went, “Many Good Ideas — what would be a good graphical representation?”. Light bulbs, while a cliché, are what most people think of when they hear ideas. So, if one idea is one light bulb, then many ideas should be many light bulbs. But what type of light bulb? What color? A graphic or a photograph? Suddenly, I had new-found appreciation for graphic artists. Playing with a graphics program and some stock art, I created my first logo. The key point: it was good enough.
After some time, I needed to print some professional business cards, and hired a graphic designer to help. They also used stock art, but with with an eye to color and layout, created a logo that was much better, and resulted in a better image of myself and my business. The key point: Hire a professional when you have the need and budget.
This month I changed my logo once again. While the previous logo was clean and recognizable, it still didn’t incorporate the feeling of “creative” – which is a key component in all the marketing work I do. A client of mine (who is an artist) commented on the logo, and suggested that he could do much better. After a couple of iterations, this is the result. Initially, the logo shocked me. It was unfamiliar. It was different. I was too invested in the previous logo, so I asked for my colleagues’ opinions. The key point: Continue evolving all aspects of your marketing (and test the results).
Tip: If you have no graphic talent and no budget, there are a number of free logo design websites (for example, this one I created in a few minutes online at You won’t get something original, but you’ll get something good enough to move forward with the rest of your marketing.
Much thanks to my logo artist, Peter Scaturro ( His true specialty is abstract painting and sculpture. If you like the new logo (or even if you don’t), visit his site. You’ll be inspired.