(Photo by benefit of hindsight)
When people ask “what do you offer”, they’re not expecting to hear a long laundry list of services, a vague promise, or a long story. They want to know if what you’re selling is something that they may be interested in (eventually) buying. If they want more information, they’ll ask – if you’ve piqued their interest. So, how can you do that?
Ideally, phrase your one-sentence as:
- an emotional benefit (we help you not worry about identify theft)
- a power statement (we save businesses 27% on their recurring billing costs)
- a simple promise (we wax cars in an hour for $30)
Getting your message to a concise statement might feel impossible – since you might offer so much and it’s hard to narrow it down – or you’re not really sure why people might be interested in what you’ve developed. If you need help, try this tip I previously published. Your 1-sentence may also be later repurposed as a tagline, if/when you need one for your marketing.
Don’t forget that your offer needs to match your target audience’s needs. So, you may want to create a number of highly targeted one-sentence phrases based on who you’re taking to.