How Do You Market To Very Confident People?

We are going to sell a customizable product in the fashion accessories niche and because of the relatively big freedom our customization options offer we expect people who are confident about their look and appearance to be our (first) customers. They are the people who are “courageous” enough to use all the options we give them and some of them might have waited for exactly that. We don’t have a certain age group limit for our product but it is most likely that it will attract people between 20 and 35 who can afford to pay the premium price.

We will advertise mostly online and use public relations to our advantage. Because of our premium brand we also have to be careful what channels of advertising we use and how of course.

Any ideas for the look, feel and copy of our advertising campaign to appeal to our target audience would be awesome!


Jay’s Answer: Since you’re selling a visual product, show your prospects how customizing will look. Use models in your target demographic for your visuals. If the product is being sold locally, use a local model in the demographic – their face may be helpful to selling it as well.

The language of the ads should be using your demographic’s language – use the words & phrases they use (for example, have a focus test of your product with a test group. Tell them about it in your language, and ask them to “sell” it to others in the group in their language. Make sure to record the session so you don’t miss anything).

Model the campaign after other successful ads targeting your demographic. Where are they placed? How do they look? You don’t want to clone them, but want to be able to place your ad side-by-side with them and be as “strong”.

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