I recently took a job at an agency that has not had the best reputation (bad management re finances), they are now trying to rebuild and I thought that it would a challenge and wonderful accomplishment to bring it back to where it used to/ should be.
Thing is when I walk in, there is no organisation…none. Staff going on four hour lunches, coming in whatever time in the morning, breaking as much as possible the companies policies…e.g. entertaining your boyfriend at your desk and you handle the company’s finances…to name one that irked me in particular.
The staff here can work they have just been so demotivated by all the bad publicity that one man brought, some have no idea about what an A.E should be… they think its administrative or "gofer"…and when I try to explain what they need to do and should be doing it falls on deaf ears (and I’m assertive) I don’t mind walking them through each job ( the few we have left) what worries me is the fact that I have to bring in new clients with MY name associated with this company…if the home is in trouble how can we effectively do our jobs? I can’t do everything all at once…they seem contented to just collect a salary without putting the work in…its as if they have no pride in what they do.
SOOO any ideas on how to motivate this bunch before they’re all fired… I believe they can do the work…its the drive they don’t have and education as to what an Advertising Agency does.
Jay’s Answer:
- Why should they care? and
- Are they doing the work?
If the work is being done (but internally, unprofessionally) then consider instituting performance reviews. It’ll document the problems so you won’t have legal problems later.
If people don’t care, then you need to give them a reason to care. Everyone has different motivations, but pride in accomplishments is good (public acknowledgement). Focus on the positive things you’re seeing, and applaud that. You’ll get more results than attempting to punish the negative.