How Can I Get Press In National Business Publications?

My company (an architectural/engineering firm) has doubled in size in 3 years, reached the over 1k employee mark, completed 2 acquisitions with cash, hasn’t drawn on credit, is designing the only 3 auto plants in the US, over 50% of our work is in the renewable energy market (although our clients are very confidential and won’t let us talk about the projects specifically), our 3 yr old China office is now our 3rd largest – soon to be our 2nd. Our HQ is in the rust belt. It’s our 60th anniversary. I have to believe that in this economy this is newsworthy on a national level. I’m just not sure what the best way is to go about finding the angle or the hook and I’m quite certain reporters at that level don’t want a weak pitch, or have the time to figure out how to stitch this all together. I feel the quotes from PR firms to make this happen are unreasonable. Any suggestions on how to flush the story out and make something happen?


Jay’s Answer: Many PR people earn their salary by developing relationships with the media resulting in pitches that are heard. You’ve no doubt been quoted a higher fee to access the ears of a select group of reporters/editors who are deluged with pitches. A great PR person would also help you spin your story for specific reporter needs.

If you want to go at it alone, you have a few options:

  • A press release. The release would focus on a hook. For example, 60-year anniversary, 3 recessions, and still going strong.
  • Leveraging your vertical reporter connections. Ask them for who they are connected with nationally.
  • Leveraging your clients’ connections. If one of your clients is doing something PR-worthy, offer to write a press release for them, featuring how your relationship has made it happen.

Here are some companies that offer pay-for-performance PR: