How To Advertise My Life Advisor Business?

I am a Life Advisor with years of experience helping families, teenagers, co-workers, and executives on Wall Street with life issues. I have a good reputation with my clients who continue to use my services. Now I have my Life Advisor business on line were you pay a fee for one e-mail and I respond to the question within 24hrs. I need ideas on how to market my business to all people in person and on line.


Jay’s Answer: You have a big challenge. The internet is full of people who are happy to answer questions (for free) on a wide variety of topics. To get people to pay for your services, you need to show them that your information is not just worth it – it’s a huge bargain. You’ll need to build your testimonials on your website to show the types of people/problems you’ve helped with (and their concrete results).

Once that’s all in place, you start by working the network of past clients (perhaps creating an monthly online newsletter about live issues in general, etc.). Your website needs an opt-in form to receive the newsletter so you can regularly reach out to people who are interested in you and your offering.

As for in-person, you don’t want to mention the email route initially. Why? Because you’re standing in front of them – human-to-human. Keep this connection alive by telling them about how you help people. And if they’re interested, they’ll ask about your services. Then you mention email as an option.

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