Healthclub Member Appreciation Week Boost?

I’m looking for creative ways to boost membership and personal training sales in my health club by holding a member appreciation week. Our ideas so far are daily raffles (daily prizes and a grand prize of a 3 month personal training package), free guests(w/ incentives for bringing guests). All of this will culminate in a health fair w/ speakers, booths staffed by local businesses we are partnering with (for ex. an organic food market) etc. Any ideas for how we can really get some new members and Personal Training out of this?? I really want our members to enjoy it, but my primary objective is generating new business through referrals.


Jay’s Answer: Why not kick off a season-long contest: lose the most weight (a la The Biggest Loser), the fittest (resting heart rate), the strongest, etc. Blog, Twitter, etc.? each week’s standings. Have the end of the contest be another event, where the winner(s) get substantial prizes (other than the body they’re wanting) – ideally offered by co-marketing partners (a trip to exotic locations, etc.).