Last year we broadcast weekly mailers featuring cross functional team work across geographies and named it Synergy Success Stories – The mailer was designed in a shape of diary with a pen on the mast head & spiral bond & the edges & each week a new story being unfold & team members pictures in star shape with their names & work details being flashed who worked on a particular project.
This year we have frozen on the theme – Transcend – beyond all boundaries, breaking all barriers – dare to go beyond the limits. To attain the company GOAL of growth.
The idea is to project teams & projects who have come up with out of the box ideas/innovations & gone the extra mile in the contributing towards the growth of company & Business excellence.
Can you suggest what should these weekly mailers called to replace Synergy Success Story, so people are engrossed & do not lose interest in these weekly mailers being flashed ?
Jay’s Answer:
- Stories Of Transcendence
- The Next Level
- Inspiring Success