Business With Passion: Puppetry & Clowning


Episode theme: How performing with marionettes or as clowns can lead to a successful business.

The Fratello Marionettes have been showcasing the ancient art of marionettes to audiences around the world since 1989. Shows feature their intricately handcrafted marionettes, which range from one-foot to three-feet tall. Kevin Menegus began performing with puppets as a young boy, and since has gone one to study with famous puppeteers Tony Urbano, Bob Baker, Randall Metz and Lewis Mahlmann.  After discovering puppetry in high school, Fred C. Riley III has studied hand puppets with Yang Feng and then as resident puppeteer with Atlanta’s Center for Puppetry Arts.

Website: Fratello Marionettes
Phone: (925) 984-3401

For the last 30 years, Jeff Raz has performed nationally and internationally with circuses and theaters including Cirque du Soleil, The Pickle Circus, Song Circus, Lincoln Center Theater, Vaudeville Nouveau, Dell’Arte Players, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Marin and S.F. Shakespeare Festivals, TheatreWorks and Marin Theater Company. He has written 11 plays, directed many others and is the founder and director of the Clown Conservatory, a program that has trained some of the top young clowns who are currently performing around the world.


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