How To Sell More Artwork?

Moving a client from looking to buying……even if they really like the work…have come to the studio also……take up 2 hours of me showing and them asking………all fine but then………… I hear    “My mother recently had an operation and a part of my salary is going for that”….etc……….sure that can be and probably is true……….but …….My question is how I can better ‘screen’ clients in order to make more on target choices of those that will buy before I set myself up for another song and dance?  I think I need to get to the question; is this the time for you to buy?  sooner. ……..without turning them off if they are not ready.  What do you think?
I had a good day of networking at a recent art fair a couple of weekends ago. Will it translate into badly needed sales? ???????


Jay’s Answer:The mistake many people make is not prequalifying the customer.

For example:

  • Do you collect art?
  • What type?
  • How often?
  • How choose? What do you look for?
  • What’s your annual budget for purchasing?
  • Where do you keep your art (home / office)?
  • Are you looking to fill a space with art? Dimensions? Lighting?

The key is you want to interview your customer to find out what they’re looking for. Do they want to talk to you, do they want to buy, or do they like to waste people’s time.

Post networking – do you follow up with an email (a private show? A copy of a recent article about you (or that you wrote)?