Who’s Taking Care Of You?

Support Network

Photo by David M. Goehring

Running your own business is hard work. Much of it is invisible and often thankless. When things are running smoothly, life is good. But then a day comes along that hits you hard emotionally. A customer’s anger can’t be placated. Your employees are second-guessing your direction. How do you cope with these down days?

It starts with a strong support network, that you’ve invested in when life is good. You have a great team of mentors and colleagues who are good at listening to your rants and whose advice you trust. You’ve done the same for them on a regular basis, so you almost automatically call someone, email someone, or convene a “help session”. Afterwards, you still have the same issues, but your attitude about the problem has shifted. You no longer feel like a victim. You have options. You have “aha” moments in your own emotional growth.

But what if you don’t have a support network now?

  1. Don’t take the “bad day” personally. Do what you can to rewrite the incident in your mind to be about some business problem or a hidden emotional issue.
  2. Give yourself permission to think about something else for awhile. Seldom do things get better by dwelling on them.
  3. Learn from the event. Could you have communicated something clearer, earlier, or supported by fact? Would an apology soothe hurt feelings? Would you take the same actions again, knowing what you know now?

It’s vital for your well-being to find ways to get emotional support for your business. It’s not something many people talk about – but for you long-term success – make it a priority today.