Name our university quiz competition

We are organizing a quiz competition in our university which would comprise of questions from electrical and electronics engineering. Please suggest a cool name for our event.


Jay’s Answer:   A “cool name” should do 2 things: 1) convey who you’re addressing and 2) the benefit of competing. For example, you might be appealing to the students, the college faculty, the greater college community, your local community, or other universities (for intra-school competition). Also, what’s the goal of competing? Are you awarding bragging rights, a scholarship, a chance to compete nationally, a fundraising tie-in, etc.? To tie the name together, you need to speak the language of the people you’re “targeting” – where are they physically located? What economic bracket? Men and women? Age range?

As one idea to help promote the competition, why not have a school-wide competition to name the event? It’ll help to spread the word about the quiz earlier, get people thinking about it deeply, and have people who wouldn’t normally be involved in the quiz participate in a different way – to figure out ways to promote it.

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