Special Education School Needs Name Annual Fundraiser

Need new name for annual fundraiser for a 501(3)c non-profit private sensory based school that uses occupational therapy and speech/language therapy to support and enhance the academic and social needs of the students. Last years event was Art for Autism — Needs to change for a couple of reasons.

1. Art is not the only thing up for auction.
2. The children range in diagnosis’ including: Auditory Processing Disorder’s, Autism, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Landau Kleffner Syndrome, Epilepsy and more… they all have Sensory Processing Disorder.

The theme of the event may change from year to year, but we want the name to stay the same. Don’t want to use the name of the school in the name, but it could be yada yada yada to help the students of _________. The event is semi formal — appetizers, full bar, dancing, silent auction and live auction for larger items.


Jay’s Answer:

  • Improving Their Senses
  • Dollars For Senses
  • A Feast For The Senses