Branding a University Pharmacy?

I recently joined the staff at a mid-sized University. My position is the Coordinator of Managed Care Pharmacy Services- I oversee two outpatient pharmacies and employee prescription benefit for 13, 000 covered lives.

I need to create an image- the main campus University just merged with the Medical center and I have two outpatient pharmacies to merge together and get acceptance and incentivize our employees to use our pharmacy

Medical Center Campus- very professional accepting of employee benefits
Main campus- union oriented- not so accepting of employee benefits but moving towards starting to like us.

Two challenges

  1. Need for a look and feel for our two pharmacies
  2. Need to name our employee pharmacy benefit newsletter. Here are the names we have so far:
  • Medifacts
  • Benefacts
  • RX Benefacts
  • Tablet Tabloid – I think cheesy?
  • RX Review

How do I get focused for a look, theme and newsletter name?


Jay’s Answer: Before a new look & feel, I’d suggest focusing on the key unique benefits your pharmacy provides. The good news is that you already know who your target market is and your competition. To get people to shop your pharmacies, you need to focus on your benefits, whether they be: guaranteed low price, fast service, convenience, hours, range of in-stock medications, etc. Can you go the extra distance and offer an on-campus delivery service? This would be ideal for the busy employee – they can renew their prescription and you can deliver it (and have them sign for it for security’s sake).

The union-oriented “friction” that you’re perceiving can best be handled from the top. Meet with the union leaders on campus, and find out what their issues/needs are. Then meet them. That’ll provide great referral business from the leadership.

For naming, you need to again focus on the key benefit you’re hoping to convey. For example, if you’re focusing on location: Pharm Convenience. Your existing names are pretty generic, and don’t convey the benefit (other than mentioning Rx or Pharm).