This television documentary series featured interviews with people who have successfully transformed their long-term passion into a successful business. Episodes aired on Marin County Comcast Cable Channel 26, KRCB-TV, and are also available for viewing online.
Season 1
- Show 1.1: Jay Harman: CEO of PAX Scientific
- Show 1.2: Joe Grand: President of Grand Idea Studio, Inc.
- Show 1.3: Jane Straus: Bestselling Author and Relationship Expert
- Show 1.4: Valerie Baadh: Owner of San Francisco Movement For Health and Healing
- Show 1.5: Neal Gottlieb: Owner of Three Twins Organic Ice Cream
- Show 1.6: John Ogden: Co-Owner of Olson Ogden Wines
- Show 1.7: Jon Gillespie-Brown: Founder and CEO, Nalpeiron Inc.
- Show 1.8: Michael McGinnis: Inventor of SuperPlexus
- Show 1.9: Dean Karnazes: Super Endurance Athlete and Bestselling Author
- Show 1.10: Jeff Raz: Founder and Director of the Clown Conservatory
Season 2
- Show 2.1: Logan and Noah Miller: Writers, Producers, Directors, Actors
- Show 2.2: Andrea Carla Michaels: Namer, Puzzle Creator, Scrabble Lady
- Show 2.3: Dan Chan: Magician, Juggler, Acrobat
- Show 2.4: Maker Faire 2009
- Show 2.5: Cynthia Glinka: Dance Coach & Choreographer
- Show 2.6: Scott von Eschen: President/CEO of Adventures Cross Country
- Show 2.7: Don Santa: Owner/Founder Woodlands Market
- Show 2.8: Bruce Burtch: The Cause Marketing Catalyst
- Show 2.9: Jimmy Dillon: Musician, Singer, Songwriter, and Playwright
- Show 2.10: Holly Stiel: Customer Service Expert
- Show 2.11: Three Stone Hearth: Community Supported Kitchen
- Show 2.12: Christopher Melville: Fantasy Warplay (LARP) Director & Originator
Season 3
- Show 3.1: Carola Detrick: Founder/CEO of Meals of Marin
- Show 3.2: Shahram Bijan: Restaurant Owner
- Show 3.3: Bruce Hammond: President/CEO of Hammond & Company
- Shows 3.4 & 3.5: Bioneers 2009
- (Special): Homeschooling?! : 2009 HomeSchool Association of California (HSC) Conference
Season 4
- Show 4.1: 3 For All: Theatrical Improvisors
- Show 4.2: Johann Smit: Owner, Hidden Star Orchards
- Show 4.3: Robert Bengtson: Photographer and Artist
- Show 4.4: Karen Behnke: CEO of Juice Beauty
Season 5
- Show 5.1: Tripp Carpenter: Woodworker
- Show 5.2: Giving Back – People who “give back” to their community as part of their business model (Guests: Bruce Burtch & Jimmy Dillon)
- Show 5.3: The Kids – Businesses that improve the richness of children’s lives (Guests: Scott von Eschen & Christopher Melville)
- Show 5.4: Single-Mindedness – Business owners that achieved odds-defying success through their single-mindedness (Guests: Dan Chan and Noah & Logan Miller)
- Show 5.5: Inspired By Nature – Business owners whose companies are inspired by nature (Guests: Jay Harman & Bruce Hammond)
Season 6
- Show 6.1: Startup Financing – Business owners whose companies were launched with well planned financing (Guests: Karen Behnke & Shahram Bijan)
- Show 6.2: Synergy – People who created businesses as a “synergy” of their individual talents (Guests: Three Stone Hearth & 3 For All)
- Show 6.3: Skipping College – People who decided to skip college and instead learn business skills by trial-and-error, rather than by formal instruction (Guests: Jon Gillespie-Brown and Neal Gottlieb)
- Show 6.4: The Family Business – People whose businesses are a family tradition (Guests: Loren Poncia and Tripp Carpenter)
- Show 6.5: Feeding The Community – People whose businesses help feed the local community (Guests: Andrew Brait and Carola Detrick)
- Show 6.6: The Music Biz – People whose musical success enhances the lives of everyone that hear it (Guests: Kenny White and Marco d’Ambrosio)
- Show 6.7: Find, Grow, & Magnify (Part 1) – People who help others to find, grow, and magnify their passionate businesses (Guests: Nancy Anderson, Sonoma Mountain Business Cluster, and John Hagel III)
Season 7
- Show 7.1: Find, Grow, & Magnify (Part 2) – People who help others to find, grow, and magnify their passionate businesses (Guests: Nancy Anderson, Sonoma Mountain Business Cluster, and John Hagel III)
- Show 7.2: The Inventors – People who earn a living licensing new products and technologies to corporations. (Guests: Howard Arneson and Joe Grand)
Season 8
- Show 8.1: Puppetry & Clowning – How performing with marionettes or as clowns can lead to a successful business (Guests: Fratello Marionettes and Jeff Raz)
- Show 8.2: 11 Cartoonists – 11 people who make a living drawing cartoons were interviewed at the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center Sketch-a-Thon (Guests: Brent Anderson, Alexis Fajardo, Brian Fies, Shaenon K. Garrity, Debbie Huey, Greg Knight, Paul Madonna, Thien Pham, Lark Pien, Dan Piraro, and Frank Roberson).
- Show 8.3: San Francisco Fleet Week Part 1 – The people involved in making San Francisco’s Fleet Week 2010 (Guests: USS Makin Island [Lieutenant Commander Joel Stewart, Lieutenant Junior Grade Lauryn Dempsey, Electrician’s Mate First Class Arnel Senatin, Air Traffic Controller First Class Corey McRath, and Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Walker Lawrence], Tim Weber, George Silverman, and Gordon Bowman-Jones).
- Show 8.4: San Francisco Fleet Week Part 2 – The people involved in making San Francisco’s Fleet Week 2010 (Guests: Stephen Teatro, Joe Sobczak, Donna Flynn and Blue Angels [Major Brendan Burks and Crew Chief Vincent Dunhill-Cooper]).
Season 9
- Show 9.1: Create a Business With Passion Part 1 – Inspiring the students and alumni of Dominican University (San Rafael, CA) to create a business with passion (Presenters: Jay Hamilton-Roth and Holly Stiel)
- Show 9.2: Create a Business With Passion Part 2 – Inspiring the students and alumni of Dominican University (San Rafael, CA) to create a business with passion (Presenters: Bruce Burtch, Neal Gottlieb, and Holly Stiel)
- Show 9.3: The Making Of The Pacific Sun – How does a local free weekly newspaper continue to thrive for almost 50 years? (Guests: Gina Channell-Allen, Jason Walsh, and Beth Allen)
- Show 9.4: Fun & Games – People who make a living infusing more fun & games into people’s lives. (Guests: Dan Zelinsky and Michael McGinnis)
- Show 9.5: Anachronisms – People whose old-fashioned businesses would seem to have no place in our modern culture. (Guests: Andrew Hoyem and Art Rogers)
- Show 9.6: Sand & Sky – People who make a living doing things that seems like child’s play (Guests: Kirk Rademaker and John Collins)
About The Host
Jay Hamilton-Roth founded Many Good Ideas to help small businesses brainstorm, design, and implement effective marketing strategies that connect their business with their passions. He consults with companies in a wide range of industries and publishes a free marketing tips newsletter (Creative Business Ideas). He is available for public speaking.